“If you do good, you must do it only for God. For this reason you must pay no attention to the ingratitude of people. Expect a reward not here, but from the Lord in heaven. If you expect it here — it will be in vain and you will endure deprivation.”
—St. Ambrose of Optina
Our Ministries

Father Terry Johnston
If you have any spiritual, sacramental, or pastoral needs, please feel free to contact me so that I can provide the needed support. I am here to serve and support you in any way possible, and I need you to communicate those needs to me in order to provide you with proper pastoral guidance. As your pastor, my door is always open, and I encourage you to contact me with any needs or concerns.
Office Hours are generally Wednesdays between 3:00pm and 5:00pm, Thursdays between 1:00pm and 4:30pm, and Fridays by appointment—please call or text before making a special trip in case another pastoral need has arisen.
If an individual appointment is needed, please contact me.
I am available for confessions upon request and on Saturdays from 5:30pm-6:00pm and again after the conclusion of Great Vespers.

Denise Reetzke
The Ladies Society is a reflection of the mission of the Holy Apostles Orthodox Church
Promoting Spiritual Growth: The Ladies participate in several book studies and Bible studies during the course of the year. We participate in Lenten retreats both physically at our church and virtually through Zoom. We decorate our church for Nativity, Pascha, and Pentecost and adorn our icons for the great feast days throughout the year. The Ladies organize the baking of Phosphora or Holy Bread which is used as the offering during the Divine Liturgy. By participating in each of these, we foster a deeper connection with Jesus Christ and His Church.
Providing Opportunities for Parishioners to Bond as Family: The Ladies often get together for fellowship, quarterly meetings at restaurants, fun events such as Secret Sister, and our St. Anna Slava gathering. The Ladies see the Church as an extension of their own home. The Ladies work together to organize the fellowship meals each Sunday and work together to cook, clean, and maintain the beauty of our church building. It is in these gatherings that we deepen our bond as a godly family.
Practice Serving those in Need: Our Almsgiving includes those both inside our parish as well as those outside in the greater community. Whether through the provision of food, clothing, school supplies, or furniture. We have several smaller ministries under our care which include the Freezer, College Student, and Card Ministries. Our fundraisers such as our Christmas Cookie Sale, Virtual Auction, and Silent Auctions allow us help those in need financial support!

As the men of our Church, we bear the responsibility of being examples of living faith to our community. For those who are married, first and foremost to their wives. For those who also have children, to their little ones. For those who are single, to each other and to the world.
Being an example of living faith does not mean we are perfect, it means that we live in a state of perpetual striving—that is, a life lived within the vein of repentance. And we strive not alone, but together, bearing one another's burdens. As the old adage goes, unus christianus, nullus christianus, one Christian is no Christian. Perhaps we could even say, one human being is no human being. Perfection of the human person can only be attained within community, a community which has the Living God, our Jesus Christ as its paradigm.
Our Men's Group strives to do three things in love and authenticity:
Encourage one another in faith through fellowship and study.
Provide space where we can confide in one another about personal matters as well as struggles of faith.
Stand as a robust community of servitude, where together we not only serve the constituents of our Church community, but also of the greater community of Bowling Green.

Katie Reetzke
Holy Apostles Orthodox Church School has the privilege of leading children ages 2-18 years in their spiritual education while they are present during the church school year (September to May).
We currently offer four classes: a Nursery Class for children ages 2-5, an Elementary School Class for grades K-2nd, a Middle Grade Class for 3rd-6th graders, and a Teen Class for grades 7th-12th. We also offer a Vacation Church School program, typically in the month of July.
All classes meet in the Fellowship Hall at various times during Orthros and Liturgy each Sunday. We have special events throughout the school year, such as our Fall Festival, a St. Nicholas Day Party, Talent Show, and End of the Year Picnic/Awards. There is a children’s library also available to families for use throughout the year, located in the Fellowship Hall.
If you have any questions or would like to join this ministry, please contact Katie Reetzke (non-public display email address please), our Church School Director.

Holy Apostles Choir
When we worship in an Orthodox Church, we enter into the ongoing worship that is always taking place in the heavenly realm. Thus, beauty and reverence are intrinsic to Orthodox worship. During the services, the Scriptures are sung, as are the theologically-rich hymns which expound upon the Holy Scriptures. You will find that Orthodox worship is almost entirely sung rather than spoken—traditionally without instruments.
In our parish, we draw music from two main traditions: Byzantine, in honor of our Antiochian roots, and Russian, which is more familiar to our Western ears. Chanters and choir singers lead the faithful in a collaborative liturgical experience, singing antiphonally with the clergy, as they assist us in lifting our hearts up to the Lord in due honor and worship.

By the grace of God, Holy Apostles Orthodox Church here in Bowling Green has witnessed a tremendous number of inquirers in the last several years. Of those who have inquired, many have decided to undertake the journey into Orthodoxy thereby entering the catechumenate.
We meet Sunday afternoons after our Divine Liturgy, in order to explore and discover the richness of the Orthodox Christian faith; a faith that has endured unbroken lineage since the time of the Apostles; a faith grounded in the Holy Scriptures; a faith anchored in the Risen Christ, through the Holy Spirit, to the Glory of God the Father.
All are welcome. All questions are welcome.
We are here to serve you.

A vital part of the Christian life is the ministering to those in need, whether financial or otherwise. Formally organized as the Benevolence Committee of Holy Apostles, we not only assist those within our parish, but also organize benevolence opportunities for those in the greater community.
We are active in Bowling Green through participation in the Salvation Army, Room in the Inn, Feeding America, and in donating to the following organizations: BRASS, Hope Harbor, Potter Children's Home, and internationally through the IOCC and the Antiochian Archdiocese "Food for Hungry People" Lenten collection. If you have a financial request, please contact Jeremy or Katie for an application.

This is a two-semester course divided into “Sacred Scripture 101: Introduction to The Old Testament” and “Sacred Scripture 102: Introduction to The New Testament.” The first-semester course will be a survey of the historical, wisdom, and prophetical books of the Old Testament seen as a preparation for the New Testament era; includes the revelatory stages of salvation history, the importance of Biblical typology, and the function of fulfilled prophecy. It should provide students with the foundations needed to deepen their understanding of the New Testament.
The class meets at the fellowship hall on Thursdays at 5pm for potluck dinner, followed by the lecture from 6-8pm.
Each class session has an assigned reading. The student is expected to read the Sacred Text carefully before or after each class.